Kaizen Hive implements its payment gateway services for sub-billers in the following two manners:
Assumption: “Sub-Billers” have an automated system which can be tailored to connect with Kaizen Hive’s CLINK Payment Gateway. It is further assumed that “sub-billers” already have necessary technical expertise or IT assistance to tailer the system as per the requirements of Kaizen Hive’s Payment Gateway.
Generation of Unique CLINK IDs: “sub-billers” shall allow consumers to prepare an online Challan on their website that will be integrated with Kaizen Hive’s CLINK Payment Gateway through APIs for CLINK_ID generation and processing.
eChallan Communication to Commercial Banks via Kaizen Hive’s Payment Gateway
Payment Confirmation Intimation to “sub-billers” IT System in real time through APIs.
Verification of generated eChallans: The gateway will provide the facility for verification of the paid eChallans. An API shall be exposed to “sub-billers” for integrating with their portal from where they can check the status of selected CLINK ID.
Daily Settlement Report for Payments settled in “sub-billers” settlement account on “sub-billers” official’s email address
Assumption: “sub-billers” does not have technical expertise or IT assistance to develop e-challan on “sub-billers” official website and then to connect with Kaizen Hive’s CLINK payment gateway through APIs. It is further assumed that “sub-billers” need Kaizen Hive’s technical assistance or IT expertise to build desired functionality.
Development & configuration of Online Portal and Mobile Application for consumers.
Dashboard for Daily / Monthly / Yearly Payments Details
Change Password / Modify Profile options
Preparation & Generation of e-Challans and corresponding CLINK_IDs via:
CLINK Mobile App (Andriod & IOS)
Web Portal
Verification of generated eChallans via CLINK Mobile App and online portal
Development & Configuration of Online Portal & Mobile Application for “sub-billers” Management.
Dashboard for Daily / Monthly / Yearly Payments Details
Details of Transaction / Search Transaction
Change Password / Modify Profile options
Verification of generated eChallans via CLINK Mobile App / Portal